When public service pension schemes changed from final salary schemes to career average schemes in 2014 and 2015, older members were protected from the changes. In 2018, the Courts found that younger members had been discriminated against because the protections did not apply to them.
The LGPS rules changed from 1 October 2023, these changes are called the McCloud remedy. They remove the age discrimination found in the McCloud court case.
Members who may of been impacted were actively paying into the scheme between 31st March 2012 and 1st April 2014.

Over the next three months we will contact affected pensioners and deferred members to let them know if they have the underpin protection, there is no need to contact us.
If you are a protected active member, again you do not need to do anything. When you take your pension, we will compare the pension you built up in the remedy period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2022 with the pension you would have built up in the final salary scheme. If the final salary pension would have been higher, the difference will be added to your pension.
Please note that the vast majority of members are unlikely to see an increase to their pension, and where an increase is applied, it is likely to be small. This is because most members will build up a higher pension in the Career Average Pension Scheme (49ths) than they would have under the final salary scheme (60ths).
Pensions made simple: The McCloud Remedy from Landscape on Vimeo.
There were many changes to the LGPS rules from 1 October 2023 because of the McCloud remedy which means there is a huge amount of work to do to gather the information needed. Because of this, underpin figures will be provided in annual benefit statements from the year 2025 onwards.
For more information on McCloud and for FAQ's please visit the LGPS website or download their LGPS Member Factsheet (PDF, 657 KB)(opens new window)