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What is voting?

As part of the investment portfolios, WPF owns shares in companies.  As a partial owner of a company, we have the right to vote on certain matters at company AGMs (annual general meetings).  Often these are routine business matters (such as reappointing auditors), but sometimes it can be more controversial matters, such as executive pay or climate action.

Why does it matter?

Voting is important to us - exercising our rights as owners means we can have an impact on how companies are run.  Companies that are well run are more likely to perform well, and deliver better investment returns, so it is important that we use our influence. 

Who does the voting?

Voting is a big business, with lots of meetings and resolutions to vote on every year, all across the globe.  Our investment managers vote for us, and report to us on their activity.

Q3 2024 Voting Highlights

109 Meetings, 1,433 Resolutions, Case Studies on Constellation Brands and Nike

*Text from image above: Q3 2024 Voting Highlights, 109 meetings, 1,433 Resolutions, Case Studies on Constellation Brands and Nike.

Safeguard the assets, strong risk adjusted returns, responsible ownership and stewardship, positive impact, transparency and information sharing

*Text from image above: 9 Safeguard the assets, 10 Strong risk-adjusted returns, 11 Responsible ownership and stewardship, 12 Positive impact, 15 Transparency and information sharing.

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