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Pension Awareness Week Day Two

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Pension Awareness Day 2

Day 2: Benefits of the scheme

The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a highly valuable part of your pay and reward package

Key features of the scheme are:

Defined Benefits - What you receive as a pension is set out in law, unlike a defined contribution scheme where your retirement income is dependant on investment returns. Benefits are based on a set formula providing you with a fixed and secure income every year once you reach retirement age.

Protection for you and your family

  • If you are forced to retire early due to ill health you can receive an unreduced pension.
  • In the event of your death your dependants and partner can receive a pension.
  • If you die whilst still working a lump sum of x3 your salary is payable.

Affordable Options -  The LGPS offers a reduced cost 50:50 scheme that provides an opportunity to receive 50% of the benefits.

£96m Did you Know? The value of pensions paid by Wiltshire Pension Fund in 2020/21

Wiltshire-Pension-Fund-Email2_WPF Day Two (PDF, 366 KB)(opens new window)

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