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Pension Awareness Week Day Five

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Pension Awareness Day 5

Day 5: How can I sign up and find out more?

I am already a member:

Sign up for a My Wiltshire Pension online account via our website, this will give you access to the following benefits:

View & update your personal records

Perform pension benefit calculations

Access annual benefit statements

I would like to sign up:

Signing up is a simple process and all contributions are administered via your employer's payroll.

Please speak to your HR or Payroll department within your organisation on how to sign up to the pension scheme.

Or contact the Wiltshire Pension Scheme via email: for more information.

I would like more information:

Our website has a wealth of information on a range of pension topics, from how benefits are calculated, how we invest the money and details of pension member events.

82,454 Total number of members in the Wiltshire Pension Fund

Wiltshire-Pension-Fund-Email5_WPF Day Five (PDF, 366 KB)(opens new window)

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