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We are delighted to announce that our 2022 Responsible Investment Policy has now been published!

RI 2022 Policy Thumbnail

We take responsible investment very seriously, and first developed a dedicated policy in 2021, which covers how we embed responsible investment issues across the whole investment process, from setting our strategy, to monitoring and engaging with our investments, through to how we communicate and share investment news with our stakeholders. 

The policy has now been reviewed and updated, and includes new information on the following areas:

  • Linking our work on responsible investment to our vision, values and goals
  • More information on impact investing
  • Enhanced information on climate risk, looking across all asset classes
  • A brand new section explaining how we engage with our holdings
  • A new and improved glossary


As the winners of "Best Approach to Responsible Investment" at the LAPF Investment Awards 2021, and signatories of the Stewardship Code 2020 we are always thinking of ways to improve and advance our approach, in line with the best financial interests of the Wiltshire Pension Fund.


UK Stewardship Code Logo


LAPF Investment Awards 2021 "Best approach to RI"


Responsible Investment Policy 2022 (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)

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